  • Community Cleanup Day at Fort York (2018)

    Saturday, April 21, 10 am to 12 pm
    Clean Toronto together! Join over 200,000 residents, students, businesses and community groups as we come together for the 15th annual city-wide cleanup of public spaces. Join the team at Fort York to tidy up part of our 43 acres of green space! All who help with the Fort York grounds will get free admission to our museum on the day of the event. We will provide garbage bags, water and coffee. Please provide your own boots, gloves, rakes and/or shovels. Do you want to learn more about the City of Toronto's Community Cleanup?

  • Battle of York Weekend (2018)

    Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29, 10 am to 5 pm
    Honour the 205th anniversary of the Battle of York fought on April 27, 1813. The Fort comes alive with musket firing demonstrations, Georgian cooking in the Officers' Quarters kitchen, site tours and period animation. Kids can try “falling in” for 1812-era soldiering drill!
    Regular admission applies.

  • Spend some time with one of the actual survivors of the Battle of York!

    Now on display in the special collections Vault of the Visitor Centre are the original Regimental Colours of the 3rd Regiment of York Militia, who fought against American invaders at the Battle of York on April 27, 1813. Produced by the young women of York during the War of 1812, they were secreted away to keep them from being seized as a war trophy by American troops. The flags were donated to the City of Toronto in 2009 and have not been seen by the public for many years. After laborious conservation work, they return to the Fort as a testament to what historians have called Toronto's most traumatic day – the attack on, and occupation of, the Town of York. The Visitor Centre now has permanent exhibits telling the story of the Fort's founding, the War of 1812 and a Battle of York audio/visual experience.

  • Battle of York Tour: Walking in Their Footsteps (2018)

    Saturday, April 28, 11 am
    Free Admission
    Meet outside the Palais Royale (1601 Lakeshore Blvd W). Tread the same ground of the U.S. Army and York’s defenders as you follow the guided tour Walking in Their Footsteps. This 1.5-hour walking tour will trace the course and events of the battle which took place on April 27, 1813. Led by staff and volunteers, there will be 5 stops along the way. At each of these stops, a speaker will give a 10-minute presentation on the details of the battle at that point. The walking tour is free and will continue rain or shine.

  • Battle of York Local Walking Tours

    Sunday, April 29, 11 am and 2 pm
    In addition to Walking in Their Footsteps and scheduled demonstrations and activities at the Fort, there will also be a local walking tour focusing on the Battle of York. This tour will begin at the canteen/museum store at Fort York, using the Fort, Garrison Common and nearby areas of the original shoreline to highlight the battle that took place here 205 years ago.
    Regular admission applies.

  • The French and British Forts of Toronto – A Bicycle Tour (2018)

    Saturday, May 5, 11 am to 1 pm
    Free Admission
    Bicycling is a unique and exciting way to view Toronto's early history. Fort York, in partnership with Jane's Walk and Heritage York's Lambton House, hosts this event, beginning at Lambton House, at the edge of the Toronto Passage (or Toronto Carrying Place) trail. From there, we will ride to Teiagon, the site of the 17th-century Seneca village and the Magasin royal of 1720. Following the Humber Bicycle Trails south, we will stop and explore the site of Toronto's second small French fort. Continuing along the Martin Goodman Trail we will go to where Fort Rouillé, the last French Fort, once stood. The tour will end at Fort York, a British fort and the place where urban Toronto (then York) was founded. The bicycle tour is free and includes free admission to Fort York National Historic Site.
    The tour starts at Lambton House, 4066 Old Dundas St (416 767-5472).

  • Meagan's Walk (2018)

    Saturday, May 12, 8 am to 10 am
    Meagan’s Walk: Creating a Circle of Hope was founded by Denise Bebenek in 2001, the year she lost her cherished 5-year-old daughter Meagan to a cancerous brain tumour. The signature event of Meagan’s Walk happens annually on the Saturday of Mother’s Day weekend when participants of all abilities take part in the 5 km walk, which culminates with thousands of people joining hands to encircle the Hospital for Sick Children in one gigantic hug. The kickoff to Meagan's Walk will once again happen within the walls of Fort York.
    Please note: this is a third-party event. Fort York will be open to the public from 10 am to 5 pm. Regular admission applies.

  • Beerlicious Spring Sessions – Ticketed Event (2018)

    Garrison Common
    Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20, 12 pm to 7 pm
    The fifth annual Spring Sessions of Toronto’s Festival of Beer returns to Garrison Common on the May long weekend. Featuring craft brews, great food, games and live music, this is a great way to celebrate May Two-Four!
    Please note: this is a third-party event. Fort York will be open to the public from 10 am to 5 pm. Regular admission applies.

  • Victoria Day at Fort York (2018)

    Monday, May 21, 10 am to 5 pm
    Why not celebrate Victoria Day with a visit to the birthplace of Toronto? Take tours, let kids enjoy activities such as soldier's drill, see demonstrations of Georgian-era cooking in one of the oldest kitchens in Toronto as well as English country dancing.
    Regular admission applies.

  • Doors Open Toronto presented by Great Gulf (2018)

    Saturday, May 26 and Sunday, May 27, 10 am to 5 pm
    Free Admission
    Fort York opens its doors for this annual celebration of history and architecture. Enjoy special tours of some of Toronto's oldest architecture and its original War of 1812 buildings or simply stroll the grounds of this National Historic Site.